Events |
My mother can really
piss me off sometimes..... |
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From: midic
| Posted: 12/23/2001 3:40:39 AM | Message
Let me start by saying
that I agree with some others: your mother is suffering from
schizophrenia or some similar form of mental illness. She needs some
form of treatment. You need to talk to a
psychologist/therapist/counselor. You may feel there is some sort of
stigma attached to these things and try to deny that help is
necessary/useful. But really, what counselors and whatnot do is help
you to understand your thought processes and be able to better
interact with other people. Think of them as a personal tutor in
these subjects. They'll help you with stuff you should have learned
in school, but our schools don't cover this sort of thing. You
weren't born knowing algebra and I bet you didn't derive the laws of
thermodynamics on your own. So why should you expect to know how to
deal with a mother who is behaving abnormally and irrationally,
without drawing a little help from people who are experts in the
subject. Of course, if we're all totally off base and it turns out
that your mother's behavior is normal and healthy, a professional
will tell you this and help you come to terms with the fact. I'm
betting that this will not be the case however.
So, what will
happen if you don't do what you can to deal with the problem
1. If you don't severe ties with your mother, you are
going to be dealing with her irrational behavior for the rest of her
life. She could develop all sorts of interesting delusions about
your friends and acquaintances. At _minimum_, this will be very
irritating and embarrassing. It might even cost you important
friendships. Or worse.
2. Mental illness can get
progressively worse if not treated. The longer you wait, the harder
it may be to solve the problem.
3. Your mother has already
shown some capacity for violence. Now, most mentally ill people are
pretty harmless, but you never know. I bet you'll really be kicking
yourself if you don't get help for her and she sticks a knife in
4. If you go along with what she wants, you could
end up spending the rest of your life traumatized. Essentially, what
this whole porn video thing is doing is putting you in an unwanted
sexual situation. Not all that different than Rape/child
molestation. Okay, so there is no physical contact, but that won't
necessarily matter to your brain, which may make the same
connections. I bet you're skeptical. Sure, you might get out okay,
and go on to lead a happy, successful life. But basically, you'd be
playing emotional Russian roulette with about 3 bullets in the
So, where can you get help?
1. The counselor at
your old school. Assuming you trust this person and he/she is
competent, and you can get past the marauding gang members. Also
keep in mind that the counselor may find themselves legally
obligated to contact child protective services.
2. The priest
at your church. You said you are nominally catholic. Providing
spiritual support is your priest's job. This has the advantage of
being free and probably confidential.
3. Get a trusted adult
to recommend a psychologist.
4. Look up a psychologist in the
phone book. Possibly contact your state regulatory agencies to make
sure that your choice is appropriately accredited.
5. Call
CPS (or the police). If you are really concerned about getting your
mom in trouble, do so anonymously from a pay phone, at least until
they convince you that telling them where you live is a good thing.
You can also ask them for advice/other resources.
If you have
concerns about siccing authorities on mom, keep in mind that these
agencies were established with the sole purpose of protecting people
(like you). It's not to be expensive nuisances, it's not to paint
random sidewalks pink. Whatever action they take, they will at least
believe that it is in the best interest of you and your family and
the general public. Their actions might occasionally be a mistake
and they might not always make you immediately happy, but in
general, they will be trying to help you. |
From: acidboy
| Posted: 12/23/2001 3:57:33 AM | Message
your mother is a friggin
get her help. NOW! or just kit ehr with a hammer and
make a nice suit out of her skin. sorry its 3 am and i need some
sleep. --- They flavor it, which does about as much good as
adding essence of lavender to a colostomy bag - Troubleman on
medicine |
From: Keldorn
| Posted: 12/23/2001 6:41:11 AM | Message
Well said middic. I
commend you for your mature and rational thoughts on the situation.
There's your answer kirri: it's all in middic's post, every bit you
need. *Applauds middic*
When I first read this topic, I was
pissing myself laughing, it was so ****ing funny. It was weird but
not really all that bad, I just thought your mom was trying to help
you, just didn't really know the right way to go about it... And she
had a weird sense of humour.
However, when you mentioned the
incidents where she cut sick smashing stuff etc., it has led me to
believe your mom has some SERIOUS issues, and if you don't get out
of the house, you will, as has been mentioned by someone (sorry),
that you'll be playing emotional Russian Roulette.
I'm not
saying you have to totally sever the link with your mom forever, but
it would be best to do that until she is better. Please, do this, or
else I don't know what will happen, and I'm actually quite
Good luck.
-Daniel. --- "What we do
in life, echoes an eternity." - Maximus Decimus Auerilius,
Gladiator |
From: Son
Raditz II | Posted: 12/23/2001 6:55:57 AM | Message
Can I switch mums with
- Radittsu --- <32> | <H473D D00D> |
<114M4> | | If ever there was a
dinosaur/In a mound of icicles/I wanna train it to ride a
ball! |
From: Son
Raditz II | Posted: 12/23/2001 7:19:42 AM | Message
Just when we think
we've heard the whole story you go and tell us something that will
scare us even more...
Speak for yourself.
Radittsu --- <32> | <H473D D00D> | <114M4> | | If ever there was a dinosaur/In a mound
of icicles/I wanna train it to ride a ball! |
From: Son
Raditz II | Posted: 12/23/2001 7:23:35 AM | Message
Quite frankly, the money
for prostitutes and free porn more than makes up for her being crazy
and stuff.
- Radittsu --- <32> | <H473D
D00D> | <114M4> | | If ever there
was a dinosaur/In a mound of icicles/I wanna train it to ride a
ball! |
From: King
of the Apes | Posted: 12/23/2001 8:32:50 AM | Message
good luck
kirri... --- My girlfriend told me to be more
affectionate...So, I got two girlfriends
:) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ |
From: Curt
Cobain | Posted: 12/23/2001 8:44:19 AM | Message
hey isv, nice
sig...manson - the last li .. ~_~ --- LSD melts in your
mind, not in you hand. |
From: Finkz
| Posted: 12/23/2001 8:49:00 AM | Message
aside from pissing you
of at times with that ****ed up ****, how do you feel about her? you
hate her? love her? if you luv your mom get her some ******* help
by the way that cat fingering topic must`ve been
From: Girl
imp maker | Posted: 12/23/2001 7:02:16 PM | Message
OK, i've read some
pretty nice stuff here on the internet. This is beyond just about
any of that.
I salute you kirri! You have made the year of
2001 that much more interesting. What a great way to end the year.
From: monstro
city | Posted: 12/23/2001 7:50:57 PM | Message
cmon people, the cat
fingering topic BLOWS THIS AWAY! This kind of behavior in moms is
getting less and less rare these days. she's just being
overprotective and wants you to be straight and to have kids(no
offense). nit-picky violence like that is also getting more common
in moms.
but, on the other hand, a guy who fingers his
friend's constipated cat and doesn't bother to wash his hands before
he eats is a rare find.... --- *pokes this user with a
flamethrower*| ******************************************\|/ |
From: superaielman
| Posted: 12/24/2001 4:57:49 AM | Message
this is the most ****ed
up topic i think i have ever read... --- *Assassin and
Gemini zodiac brave of the FFTSB* "I'm too sexy to be beaten by
you fools!"- Stinger, Saturday Night Slam
Masters. |
From: SuRie
| Posted: 12/24/2001 10:54:25 AM | Message
There are some sick
people here... |
From: me
frog | Posted: 12/24/2001 4:55:07 PM | Message
…………………………………………………………………………… *runs away
screaming* --- <==||}==={|||[
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::// |
From: Mackson
| Posted: 12/24/2001 5:11:29 PM | Message
Just what on earth
nation are you at kirri!!?? never seen anything forced to
porn by parents before. Australia? (due to home-school)? --- I
am not rude! I just distrust everyone. |
From: Paquin
| Posted: 12/24/2001 5:23:19 PM | Message
He's from Québec, im
pretty sureo f it because
1) the porno tapes are in
french 2) he lives in the eastern time zone 3) he talked to
his mother about the Montréal - Boston hocky game
it is pretty safe to assume than he is quebecer |
From: Mackson
| Posted: 12/24/2001 5:49:49 PM | Message
Québec? It's
difficult to find that on the map. --- I am not rude! I
just distrust everyone. |
From: Paquin
| Posted: 12/24/2001 5:54:18 PM | Message
Québec, ahrd ot fin on a
map? *laugh
it's north of New York,Vermont,New Hampsire and
Maine state. It's about 1,500,000 square kilometers, so it's hard to
miss. |
From: Mackson
| Posted: 12/24/2001 6:01:26 PM | Message
So he's from America,
ey? Hmm then no wonder, america it's all happens
there! --- I am not rude! I just distrust
everyone. |
From: LeonCHEN
| Posted: 12/24/2001 6:12:07 PM | Message
Just when I thought no
one could be crappier at geography than George Bush... --- As
long as I have both of my middle fingers, I could live without vocal
cords. - Silverfist You are a stainless teflon
From: masumane2
| Posted: 12/24/2001 6:21:20 PM | Message
kirri, all I have to say
Good luck.
Even if she is the lady dancing naked
on your front lawn, or whatever, hitting you and crap like that is
just messed up.
Next time she hits you, SMACK THAT *****
BACK! You shouldn't have to put up with that! Dont listen to people
telling you to hire a hitman, of course, but you havent told us WHAT
you have done so far.
Just tell us what you have done so far.
--- "A corpse can't laugh." Eddie (Silent Hill
2) |
From: masumane2
| Posted: 12/24/2001 6:22:56 PM | Message
Oh, yeah I forgot to say
in my last post...
Get AIM or Yahoo! messenger or MSN
messenger. It would be faster to make a chat room. --- "A
corpse can't laugh." Eddie (Silent Hill 2) |
From: Mold
Rat | Posted: 12/24/2001 6:30:40 PM | Message
My advice is just to get
her help! And have you talked to your dad, cause from the sound
of it your mother probably isn't going to listen, (At least not
without adding a "Whens my grand child coming?")
Also she
could have had a troubled childhood, although from what I have heard
it would have to be a VERY, VERY, VERY ****ed up
Just keep her away from typewriters til' she has a
phychiatrist. --- He farted alot and the townspeople liked
farts Econominizer |
From: masumane2
| Posted: 12/24/2001 7:35:19 PM | Message
This topic will
LIVE! --- "A corpse can't laugh." Eddie (Silent Hill
2) |
From: masumane2
| Posted: 12/24/2001 7:36:40 PM | Message
275 --- "A corpse
can't laugh." Eddie (Silent Hill 2) |
From: GrandCross
| Posted: 12/24/2001 7:49:04 PM | Message
w00t happened to kirri?
He isn't responding anymore.
You don't think he'
couldn't be...)
Do you think...his mom tied him up in the
basement? Stick needles through his eyelids to have him open to
watch porn videos? And have his mom give lessons to
... --- GrandCross: Official Topic
Killer "It's the BadgerMilk™..." |
From: Broo2
| Posted: 12/24/2001 8:24:36 PM | Message
At first this topic was
funny, but now it is serious. You must get your mom some help. It
won't get better if you don't do anything. She will wind up hurting
someone badly, be it you, herself, or someone else. If yoou truly
love her you'll get her some help. Medic(sp?) said it
Good luck. --- WTF is invading? Going to a board
and saying "All your board are belong to us!!"...?- King
Nu {Ä_§+_ƒ+êå+|ü+D-[áÅ-$j¦ö_-_([%-go{*Ç>-)Math is
complicated |
From: The
Steaming Pile | Posted: 12/24/2001 8:28:53 PM | Message
Click on kirri's
name. |
From: tfeign
| Posted: 12/24/2001 10:27:25 PM | Message
tell ur mom: STOP
MESSING WITH MY LIFE --- Don't blame me. Blame it on the
judge. |
From: cyper
| Posted: 12/24/2001 11:47:30 PM | Message
Bump. Merry
Christmas. --- A grand victory for Political Correctness! To
hell with Time. |
From: RPG
Harvester2000 | Posted: 12/25/2001 12:02:19 AM | Message
OMFGOMFGOMFG, this topic
owns, lolololooololoolololoollolo here's a damn good idea, use
the money from your mom for games, and keep the porn --- You
weigh 162 lbs. and you've got man boobs? What are you, 4 feet
From: geom
| Posted: 12/25/2001 12:51:04 AM | Message
haha, "therapist" can
also be said as "the rapist" :D
gotta love saturday night
live :D
and your mom needs mental help, but you should keep
the porn, if you can understand french, if not, X-change
it --- Final Fantasy = my life 1/5 of the FF8
lovers at the FFTSB |
From: The
Steaming Pile | Posted: 12/25/2001 10:26:45 AM | Message
Porn for
I've seen it all.
I can now die a happy
man. |
From: psychobabble
| Posted: 12/25/2001 10:41:12 AM | Message
--- "Depression is merely anger without
enthusiasm" |
From: Masao
Kishin | Posted: 12/25/2001 12:34:01 PM | Message
The more I read this,
the scarier it gets. |
From: Dr
DeGen | Posted: 12/25/2001 12:53:46 PM | Message
the scarier it gets, the
more i read it. --- Babies are quite cheap on the black
market(they come in jars $34.00 shipping) - The Hell Boards |
From: Guzman
| Posted: 12/25/2001 1:08:03 PM | Message
I like this topic. Keep
it goin! --- "Guzman, you are my new hero." -The
Spiral "Guzman is 100% correct."
-Starscream |
From: Bears092
| Posted: 12/25/2001 1:08:07 PM | Message
Best. Topic.
Ever. --- 2001 Chicago Bears - 11-3 "I'll cheer
when I feel like it." - Vikings fans |
From: Doctor
Lecter | Posted: 12/25/2001 1:28:18 PM | Message
This is nearly a Norman
Bates story, you know?
And yeah... you need a therapist,
Doctor Lecter, licensed psychiatrist, at your
service. --- "When you become the most wanted serial killer
of all time, I can say to my grandkids: I knew him." -
Ryan |
From: Fireknight77
| Posted: 12/25/2001 6:50:31 PM | Message
All I have to say is,
she's probably a psycho who broke out of the county jail and went on
a drug binge before she got married. No offense to you man, but
that's just sick. I'd run for the hills. --- "Human
stupidity and the universe are infinite, but I'm not so sure about
the latter"-Albert Einstein |
From: The
Steaming Pile | Posted: 12/25/2001 8:23:21 PM | Message
*shivers* |
From: Lord
Scimitar | Posted: 12/26/2001 11:51:46 AM | Message
This has got to get
bumped. --- Lord Scimitar Wielder of the Dark Scimitar of
Lunar |
From: masumane2
| Posted: 12/26/2001 1:53:23 PM | Message
ha --- "A corpse
can't laugh." Eddie (Silent Hill 2) |
From: imaguy2
| Posted: 12/26/2001 1:54:47 PM | Message
...ha...what do you
know! this topic is still alive!
at times she can be really
annoying...but hey she is taking care of you (or some of
you). --- BAH!! Who need a
sig...!! |
From: Ghost
Darth Mawl | Posted: 12/26/2001 1:55:52 PM | Message
--- Darth
Mawl-Official Ghost Sith Lord of the CoS Í äm ñôt, åñd dó
ñôt çlâïm tõ bë, DarthMaul©! |
From: JesusChristSuperstar
| Posted: 12/26/2001 1:58:48 PM | Message
[This message was
deleted at the request of the original poster] |
From: masumane2
| Posted: 12/26/2001 2:00:33 PM | Message
Why do I not believe you
JCS? --- "A corpse can't laugh." Eddie (Silent Hill
2) |
From: Masao
Kishin | Posted: 12/26/2001 2:05:57 PM | Message
What did he
say? |
From: JesusChristSuperstar
| Posted: 12/26/2001 2:06:36 PM | Message
I said nothing.
NOTHING! --- GregNorc says: You own an X-Box? HAHAHAHA!
Funny joke
man! <Moderator><Modhater><Hypocrite><Proud
PD Vet><1337> |
From: imaguy2
| Posted: 12/26/2001 2:07:03 PM | Message
post!!! --- BAH!! Who need a
sig...!! |
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